With the summer winding down and me getting ready to teach and do more writing, now is a good time to announce that I’m putting together the fall schedule of guests. I’m very excited at the range of topics that we’ll be discussing with great guests, and I’ve scheduled shows through early November.
Alas, however, there is one schedule modification. Up to now I’ve done shows through KZSU-FM’s “interim” periods, which this year starts on Monday, September 10 and runs through the end of the month. Because of increased duties (read: teaching two new classes and (with my wonderful wife) one seven-month old), I am foregoing new shows during the interim period. New shows will begin on October 3.
This means that you’ll have to get your fill of Hearsay Culture during that time by listening to past shows. For those of you who have already listened to all 48 posted shows, thanks much and I’d suggest listening to Harry Shearer’s “Le Show” weekly podcast as an excellent substitute during the interim (I’d suggest listening to it regardless, for that matter).
Thanks for understanding. If there’s more explanation needed, you can observe below (yes, another Noah pic):

Thanks so much for listening!