Hearsay Culture now airing on Freirad 105.9 radio, Innsbruck, Austria

I’m thrilled to announce that Hearsay Culture will now be airing monthly on Freirad community radio, Innsbruck, Austria! Freirad will be selecting one show per month to air on Wednesdays at 2pm (local time). Next week’s selection will be my interview with Prof. Susan Sell.

So that there’s no confusion, Hearsay Culture’s radio home will remain at KZSU-FM (Stanford) and that relationship and air schedule is not changing.

Hearsay Culture’s relationship with Freirad was forged by Hearsay Culture guest Valentin Dander, who was a DJ on the station. Like KZSU, Freirad is a public/community radio station but unlike KZSU, was born as a pirate radio station that challenged state media dominance in Austria. Given my interest in supporting and contributing to public media and our collective efforts to share information for the betterment of all, I am excited about this new relationship and look forward to our collaboration. Thanks much to Valentin and everyone at Freirad!

If you have suggestions for other public media outlets — particularly radio and other non-Internet sources — that might like to air Hearsay Culture, please email me at dave@hearsayculture.com.
