Hearsay Culture Update, and Show # 260 — Prof. Ramesh Srinivasan, author of Whose Global Village? — posted

On this unusually snowy day here in Greensboro, North Carolina, I am returning to Hearsay Culture.

For now, I will explain my absence for the past 13 months simply by noting that the results of the 2016 elections caused me to focus my attention elsewhere. On a personal level in the past year, I’ve launched a new non-partisan policy advocacy group in Greensboro and taken on the Presidency of the Greensboro City Arts Drama Center’s Booster Club (in which my sons are very active). Moreover, I’ve deepened my focus on daily efforts to bolster our governmental institutions and oppose the unprecedented assault on decency and facts that envelops our nation, through advocacy and education.

On a professional level, several law review articles have been published or will be soon. The most recent article, Confidentiality Creep and Opportunistic Privacy, has just been published by the Tulane Journal for Technology and Intellectual Property. Additionally, I’m honored to have been named the Jennings Professor and Emerging Scholar at Elon University School of Law. In addition to teaching Contracts, Intellectual Property Survey, Internet Law, Privacy Law, and Trade Secrets, its been a busy year.

Hearsay Culture, in its current form, has therefore taken a backseat. But in this new year, I will be returning to recording new interviews. I am also in the process of revamping Hearsay Culture to be more relevant and influential within the media culture and information systems that dominate today. More on these issues  in the future. For now, I’m here to post several shows from last year, and apologize to all that they were not posted more quickly after having aired on KZSU. Fortunately, the issues within these interviews are hardly stale; indeed, they perhaps have more currency now than they did when recorded.

Thus, I’m pleased to post Show # 260, May 31, 2017, my interview with UCLA Prof. Ramesh Srinivasan, author of Whose Global Village? Rethinking How Technology Shapes Our World. In his essential book, Ramesh takes on the difficult question of how technology impacts communities and cultures that are often ignored by the entities and governments that dominate the technology world. The challenges here are many, from the private development of information dissemination tools, to the ethical obligations of technology developers to consider broad perspectives and uses throughout their design and implementation process. Ramesh and I dug into these and other issues in our fascinating interview, and I’m delighted to post it today, as these issues remain at the forefront for policymakers throughout the world. Thank you Ramesh for your diligence and your patience!
