Schedule Changes and Upcoming Audio

Long time listeners (that is, those who have listened to Hearsay Culture for over four months) know that schedule changes do occur. More often than not, it is because of my work/personal responsibilities, but on occasion it is for better reasons. The below is such a change.

Prof. Richard Epstein of the University of Chicago Law School just happens to be down the street from the law school at the Hoover Institution. So, I am fortunate to have the opportunity to interview Richard in-studio, which I will do this week. Thus, the schedule change.

Additionally, the show is now scheduled through May thanks to a great addition: Brad Stone of The New York Times and return guest Jennifer Granick will be on the show in May to discuss the state of technology. It promises to be a lively discussion.

Finally, I will be posting audio to shows 27 and 28 (my interviews with Prof. Richard Lanham and Julian Dibbell, respectively) by next week, at the latest.

Thanks to Richard, and all of my guests, for doing the show, and I look forward to a live discussion with Prof. Mark Lemley of Stanford Law School this coming Wednesday!
