Shows 95 and 96 — Kevin Bankston and Prof. Michael Heller — posted

I am pleased to post the last two shows of the summer quarter. The first, Show #95, August 12, is my interview with Kevin Bankston of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). Kevin has been lead counsel in the EFF’s efforts to challenge warrantless wiretapping, and we discuss EFF’s efforts to challenge this practice. Given the urgency of this situation, we focused on the current state of the litigation and where it is headed, as well as the overall state of government surveillance of communications. EFF’s work in this area is groundbreaking and I enjoyed the interview.

My second interview, Show #96, August 19 is my interview with Prof. Michael Heller of Columbia Law School, author of The Gridlock Economy: How Too Much Ownership Wrecks Markets, Stops Innovation, and Costs Lives. Michael’s book focuses on the impact of the underutilization of resources, and how intellectual property law interacts with this problem. We discussed the state of the law, why this is a problem and examples that make the case. Michael’s book is particularly timely given the current recession, and I greatly enjoyed having Michael on the show.

As KZSU enters its interim schedule, new shows will start again at the end of September. Look for more outstanding guests soon!
