Upcoming Schedule and Fall Guests

I have posted the schedule for the remainder of the summer quarter, as well as the list of guests for the fall quarter. As you’ll see, it is a great roster of guests and a wide variety of topics will be discussed, from intellectual property issues to anonymity online. As always, I’m privileged to have such fascinating and engaging people with whom to discuss areas of personal interest, and I hope that you find the interviews equally fascinating and engaging.

Also as always, I would love to hear from you with any suggestions for guests, comments, criticisms, praise, or any other feedback. I can be reached at dave@hearsayculture.com.

Not that I’m the busiest blogger, but the next month or so will be generally quiet here. Other than posting new shows after they’ve aired on KZSU-FM, I will be focusing on my own research and writing (with some vacation) — for those not familiar, this is what professors generally do (or try to do) with their “summers off.”

Enjoy the upcoming shows and your summer!
